Our Founding Members

On the evening of November 9, 1946, Margaret Hawkins and Sarah Scott, two young Philadelphia matrons, invited seven of their friends to join them in organizing a new type of inter-city club. This organizing meeting of The Links was not a spontaneous action. In 1945, Link Hawkins had conceived the idea of a group of clubs composed of friends along the eastern seaboard and had spent many hours with Link Scott in thinking, planning and discussing the possibilities of such an endeavor.

The two women envisioned an organization that would respond to the needs and aspirations of Black women in ways that existing clubs did not. It was their intent the club would have a threefold aim–civic, educational, and cultural. Based on these aims, the club would implement programs, which its founders hoped would foster cultural appreciation through the arts; develop richer inter-group relations; and help women who participated to understand and accept their social and civic responsibilities.

Besides the two founders, the original members of the Philadelphia Club were Links Frances AtkinsonKatie GreenMarion MintonLillian StanfordMyrtle Manigault StrattonLillian Wall, and Dorothy Wright. The club elected Margaret Hawkins as president, Sarah Scott as vice president, Myrtle Manigault Stratton as recording secretary, Frances Atkinson as corresponding secretary, and Dorothy Wright as treasurer.


The Dallas Chapter of The Links, Incorporated was organized by Mrs. Fannie C. Smith in November 1957. The charter members were Rowena Blackmon, Jimmie Brashear, Esther Browne, Maria Burke, Etta Culmer, Marion Dillard, Annette Flowers, Vareta Gully, Pauline Lane, Frances McShann, Ruth Shelton, Amanda Smith, Fannie Smith and Ruth White.

Staying true to the vision of The Links, Incorporated, the Dallas Chapter has impacted the lives of humankind through community service. In response to an ever-changing society, the Dallas Chapter has increased its participation locally, nationally and internationally for stronger partnerships with people of good will and good deeds.