The Dallas (TX) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated provides services in five facets, Health and Human Services, International Trends and Services, National Trends and Services, The Arts, and Services to Youth. The STEAM Academy is an umbrella program focused on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM).
Health and Human Services

The mission of the Health and Human Services facet is: To promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health; and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education, health advocacy, and equitable access to health resources. This facet brings greater focus, resources, and opportunities for collaboration to existing health related initiatives of The Links, Incorporated. Through the Dallas (TX) Chapter, we exemplify our mission through financially supporting health initiatives, active participation in local STEAM education and breast cancer awareness walks. The Chapter also hosts health educational programs on chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and weight management.
International Trends and Services

The foremost goal of the International Trends and Services facet is to provide opportunities for tangible service in other countries. Our “boots on the ground” approach provides for more personalized methods for assisting and improving the lives of women, children and men worldwide through long-term programs committed to empowerment and public policy leadership in advocating for social justice. All programmatic components of the facet are delivered through measurable and sustainable service delivery methods that reach women and their families.
National Trends and Services

“Empowering People; Transforming Lives!” The vision of the National Trends and Services facet is to eliminate disparities by reducing barriers to services through advocacy, education, and service. The mission is to empower our chapters to effectively empower the communities in which we work. The goals include increasing the number of sustainable and measurable programs; increasing collaborative partnerships; and extending our existing initiatives to include communities identified as having the greatest need.
The Arts

The Links support of the arts can be traced to our cultured co-founder Margaret Roselle Hawkins. Her innate artistic talent, discovered at a young age, earned her a four-year scholarship to the Women’s School of Design, later known as the Moore Institute of Art. Her passion for creative expression later led to her appointment as an art teacher and helped give root to the establishment of The Arts facet in 1964 at the 14th National Assembly. The goal of The Arts facet is to increase and expand art activity and elevate our programs through arts integration and effectively create an arts renaissance within our organization and programmatic efforts.
Services To Youth

The Links, Incorporated created its first program facet, Services to Youth, to equip African American children to use their intellect and spirit of achievement to indeed walk with their fellows in leading the way. The Services to Youth Facet is an integrated approach to preparing young people to succeed and lead in the 21st century workforce.
The Dallas (TX) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, participates in multiple initiatives with impacts in key areas such as health, education and community. A few examples include:
Get out the vote (GOTV): The Dallas (TX) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, members have participated in this initiative for over 30 years, working in concert with the Dallas County.
Donor Sabbath: National Donor Sabbath provides an opportunity to discuss the critical need for organ and tissue donors and encourage organ donor registration.
- MLK Christmas (Originated 1986) : This activity brings Christmas cheer to our senior citizen community. It grew from heart-felt Christmas cards to a grand celebration which includes food, toiletries, gifts and of course Christmas music.
- Walk for Healthy Living (Originated 1995): Every year, The Links, Incorporated, host a Walk-A-Thon in the month of September. Participants help spread the word on the importance of making physical activity, specifically walking, an important component of daily life.
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Endowment fund (Established ~2006): The Dallas (TX) Chapter of the Links Incorporated, participats in raising money for HBCUs and 1-2 year schools in Texas.